
Showing posts from January, 2020

Dragon Eye Box by Jason Duigou

Jason's Inspiration This Dragon Box project was inspired by Joe Rotella at GenCon in Indianapolis in August 2019. Description Using a craft store wooden box with hinges and a clasp, I used modeling compound to sculpt around a dragon eye and created a pattern for the "dragon scales" pattern. After thoroughly drying, acrylic paint was added in layers as well as details. I replaced the craft store hinges and clasp with some that I felt would look better with the piece and added claw feet. I created a "Dragon Map" inside the box and included a Dragon Amulet that I made out of an emblem and chain. Supplies Aves Apoxie Sculpt modeling compound Wooden box from Michael's craft store Clawed Feet from Graphic 34 Acrylic Paints (generic) Dragon Eye from Amazon Parchment Map from a restaurant table cover Dragon Medallion from Hobby Lobby craft store  FOLLOW and LIKE us! #JoeRotella #Plad #ModPodge #G45 #GenCon #mixedmedia #Av